Obama’s fundraising record speaks for itself

On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, voters in the United States will go to the polls to select their President and members for the 113th Congress.

The ongoing presidential contest has already pitted President Barack Obama against potential Republican presidential contenders Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Buddy Roemer, Cary E. Johnson, Jon Hunstaman, Newt Gingrich, and Michele Bachmann.

To appeal to voters, it seems Republicans have made job creation their central political campaign issue. President Obama reacted hastily with a jobs plan, which was immediately defeated by the U.S. Senate.

Despite fate of the jobs creation proposal and other critical issues such as tax reform and the economy, Obama and Republicans continue to fundraise millions of dollars for their campaigns. Considering amount of funds already raised, who’s wrong or who’s right on issues doesn’t seem to matter to donors.

Obama has successfully fundraised in places even with the worst unemployment rates. The Associated Press reported that more than 600,000 people donated to Obama’s political campaign since July this year.  Obama campaign and the Democratic Party announced last week they have already raised 70 million dollars for the President’s re-election bid.

In contrast, all Republican contenders have raised roughly $52 million. The breakdown for leading contenders shows Cain with $2.8 million, Massachusetts Gov. Romney with $14 million, and Texas Gov. Perry with $17 million.

America is in crisis. Media reports and a September 2011 Gallup poll reveal “81% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way the country is being governed,” and “82% disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job.” Public confidence in President Obama, government and politicians is falling. However, people’s political contributions keep pouring into presidential hopeful coffers.

Regardless of issues, crises and causality of this phenomenon in America, presidential candidates continue to successfully fundraise without having to convince voters of the validity of their plans to create jobs, and get the economy moving again. If amount of money raised is the sole indicator of who will win the presidential race in 2012, at this moment Obama has it in the bag.


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